Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Worm Composting!!!

We got worms! They are red and wiggly...hence the name red wigglers. They do more than just wiggle, they facilitate the creation of compost! Worm composting is ideal for indoor urban composting. To put it simply.....You feed the worms your scraps and they poop compost!
Apparently, these red wigglers can eat more than their body weight each day and produce some seriously nutritious compost. The whole process costs very little, since you just need a 5 gallon bin and some newspaper to get started. The most expensive part of the process is the worms, which we bought from the Lower East Side Ecology Center. They also have a very helpful guide to vermiculture. We will spare you the details on the process because many sources provide really good guides on getting started! 2-6 months from now we will be fertilizing the roof deck garden with some potent worm poop!

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