Thursday, June 12, 2008

Comcast can kiss my......

Join our "Quit the Cable" movement! So its been many months since we has also been many months since we have paid a cable bill. We are free from the of the corporate web that Comcast has woven! The $100 triple play rapidly became the jacked up $160 triple threat!

So what exactly have we given up for this $160??? Well there are the random surcharges, the tyrannical customer service and the general monopolistic manner in which Comcast operates.... and that doesn't even scratch the surface of the actual content they provide!

Let's not forget the 487 channels. Yes, they provide quite a number of choices..... but I could do without the 17 Starz channels and 10 encores channels playing B movies from 1993 round the clock!

Not only are we Comcast-free, we are commercial-free! Speaking of free...have we mentioned that we have all this free time, now that we don't have cable! So be free....quit the cable!

P.S. Have you heard of this little company called netflix? Well they are offering quite the value on the movie front!

For you "Daily Show" and "The Office" might want to check out hulu!

If you watch ABC....they offer some of their shows on-line at their website.

These are just some of the "legal" options. Anyone know of any others?

1 comment:

Lesleigh said...

awsome! I want to get rid of cable too, but I live with an actor who can't live with out TV.

I love the obama donation thing....did you see my link too!

See my new post too!